Power Factor Correction is Cool it’s 30oC Today

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There was a mad scramble to pick up this month’s work sheets as we revealed which engineers were flying to the Seychelles to carry out the second round of an energy reduction program which initially commenced January 2017 at one of our clients manufacturing sites.

This followed a detailed energy survey and the manufacture of energy saving solutions in the form of three detuned power factor correction banks to raise efficiency from 71% to 99% and reduce the maximum demand by 30%.

2017 was an impressive year for exports with solutions traveling to many areas of Africa and the Middle East along with a number of European Destinations, 2018 looks like being the same with significant orders already secured for West Africa.

For more information on reducing energy cost and improving efficiency, contact EnergyAce now on 01695 559785 or post@pesgroupltd.co.uk