Ambassadors Network Launch

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Power Efficient Systems & EnergyAce, along with a number of West Lancashire businesses have eagerly signed up to become Ambassadors for Skelmersdale after a successful Event was held to launch the Scheme.

The Skelmersdale Ambassadors Network aims to unite businesses and organisations from across the area in a powerful force that will raise the Town’s profile, in order for it to compete Nationally and Internationally like never before.

Businesses are encouraged to sign up to the network so they can act as strong advocates for Skelmersdale and champion the place with pride in order to attract future development, investment and encourage business growth.

Eileen Vizard our Financial Director and fellow Ambassador for Skelmersdale said “its great to be part of such an energetic organisation that brings together all the best in West Lancs”.

“The Ambassadors Network is doing great things for businesses in the area and I would encourage others to join”.

There are significant benefits of being Ambassadors as they will be the first to know about exciting opportunities and developments in the local economy such as Lancashire Local Enterprise Partnership strategies, or funding opportunities. They will have access to the new Skelmersdale storybook, branding toolkit, including artwork, images and many other marketing materials to help them promote their business and Skelmersdale, as well as increasing their network of contacts.

The Network’s official launch held at the Best Western Lancashire Manor Hotel was a great success with over 80 people attending from 55 different organisations ranging from large international companies to small and medium sized businesses. So far 38 people have signed up to become Ambassadors and more have expressed an interest in joining.

Tony Rankin, Hotter Shoes Learning and Development Manager, compered the launch event, and guest speakers were Mark Timmerman, Managing Director at Mellors Catering Services; Steven Cochrane, Director at Growth Lancashire; Steve Jones, Managing Director at Fairbanks Environmental; and Kim Webber, Chief Executive at West Lancashire Borough Council. An exciting programme of events is scheduled throughout 2017 offering businesses the opportunity to make good commercial connections; raise their organisations profile and hear from influential guest speakers.

Councillor Ian Moran, Leader of West Lancashire Borough Council and portfolio holder for Economic Regeneration, said: “I am really pleased the launch was a success and so many organisations are signing up to be Ambassadors. They will play a key role in promoting Skelmersdale and boosting the local economy, which will benefit everyone. Being ambitious for our economy by growing jobs and encouraging business and wealth is a key priority in the Council. The Skelmersdale Ambassadors will play an important part in helping us achieve that.”

Christine Green, Commercial Manager at Graylaw Freight Group, said: “We’re extremely proud to be a Skelmersdale Ambassador and would urge other businesses who have an interest or connection with the place to sign up, network with likeminded people and take advantage of this great opportunity in helping to shape Skelmersdale’s successful future.”

Businesses can find out more about how to become a Skelmersdale Ambassador by emailing or calling 01695 712692. Information is also available at Skelmersdale Ambassadors.