Power Factor Correction & Voltage Optimisation In High Demand

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Not long now until EnergyAce moves into brand new purpose built premises.

The huge demand for EnergyAce in many Industrial and commercial applications and the development of the remote online metering, monitoring and protection systems has resulted in a need to move to a larger factory manufacturing power factor correction, voltage optimisation systems, metering solutions and switchgear.

Changes is the way penalties like reactive power is charged on electricity bills means that power factor correction systems are now in high demand and keeping up with manufacture a challenge we have had to meet head on.

Energy metering is now a must for all businesses, rising energy costs, changes in the way energy is billed and the need to reduce carbon emissions means that there is a renewed need to reduce energy consumption although to reduce energy effectively and efficiently we first need to understand when, where and how energy is consumed.

For many companies energy is one of the largest operating costs, second only to staff salaries. For energy-intensive businesses, energy can be the main cost and often in some cases the differentiation between financial profit & loss.

The first stage of any energy reduction scheme is to gather accurate information and data on your existing energy consumption and efficiency. This step is fundamental for any organisations, irrespective of their size or what they do – from farms to hospitals, and cold stores to car factories.

Effective measurement should be the first step in introducing energy saving solutions like power factor correction, voltage optimisation or low energy lighting solutions for example and to measure the positive impact these technologies have had once installed.

The demand for voltage stabilisers and voltage optimisers is growing due to rising voltage levels in the UK when compared to mainland European levels. Voltage levels in the UK can at times be detrimental to electrical appliance causing excessive energy consumption and accelerated deterioration as most appliances and machines are designed more towards the nominal voltage levels of 230v / 400v and less towards the higher levels found in the UK networks.

This requirement to reduce energy costs and reduce carbon emissions has driven the need to relocate into brand new purpose built premises in Leyland Lancashire to allow for EnergyAce to match demand for power factor correction, voltage optimisation and remote metering solutions. The factoy is now almost finished and we anticipate occupation towards the end of 2018.

For more information on energy savings systems like power factor correction, voltage optimisation, voltage Stabiliser systems, metering solutions and switchgear, click onto the links below or contact our offices on 01695 559785 or email us on post@energyace.co.uk

What is Power Factor Correction 

What is Voltage Optimisation

Voltage Stabiliser