GENERATOR CLOSURES and breakdowns mean spare electricity capacity will be down to just 4% this year, National Grid has announced, compared to a previous margin of 17%.
Contingency plans are in place to manage supply, including paying big firms to switch off on the coldest winter evenings. Energy efficiency is the first fuel for business – reducing spend and carbon emissions by up to 20%. Save to make your business more profitable and protect your energy supply; our investments have a typical less than 2 year payback period.
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Concerns about energy security after a fire have forced the closure of Didcot B, a gas-fired station in Oxfordshire which produces enough electricity to meet the needs of one million households. It was reduced to half capacity with Ironbridge and Ferrybridge also crippled by fires earlier this year and supply hit by plans to close a site at Barking in east London.
Data from the energy regulator show 17,657 blackouts affecting 3.5million people this year, compared with 1,600 cuts affecting 180,900 just two years previously.
Managers and policy makers are referring to energy efficiency as the ‘first fuel’- a term coined by U.S energy intelligence company chairman, Jon Wellinghoff. First fuel analysis is now available to help British small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and even homeowners benefit from energy saving data and tools which are usually only available to larger industrial and commercial businesses. EnergyAce A4home is widely regarded as second only to cavity wall insulation in keeping your energy use and costs under control.