THE ESOS SCHEME formally kicks in 31 December 2015. We have a number of trusted assessors who can help you understand your energy usage. Failure to meet this basic requirement could mean a hefty fine and, if firms leave it until last minute, there may not be enough assessors available to complete the work. You will need to start gathering data from now onwards. Let’s make it a bit easier and cheaper for you….
Start early- begin collecting all relevant data ASAP and have it finished Q1 2015.
Review your past audits for possible reuse – you may be able to use the results from past energy audits negating the need for new ones.
Select the right Lead Assessor – review the experience and qualifications of the assessor to ensure they match your business needs. We have a number of highly recommended expert assessors; please contact us if you’d like us to put you in touch.
Determine the level of input required by your Lead Assessor – much of the auditing, data gathering and calculations can be done in house; agree an appropriate level of service with the Lead Assessor.
Select an appropriate sample audit size – this will make a huge difference to your auditing costs.
mplement identified energy saving opportunities – compliance costs can be easily recovered through implementation of simple no cost/low cost opportunities.
Did you know the new ESOS legislation applies to tenants, landlords and owners?
Are you one of the 10,000 organisations it affects?
To learn how to keep compliance costs low, read on …
The Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)legislation requires all large organisations to identify energy saving opportunities across their business, have them verified by a lead assessor and submit them formally to the Environment Agency.
Do you have more than 250 employees?
Do you have less than 250 employees with a turnover of circa £40m + a balance sheet of circa £36m
Are you part of a corporate group which contains a business that meets the criteria above?
Whether you are a tenant, landlord or owner, if you answered Yes to any of the questions above you must comply with the new mandatory ESOS legislation.
Did you know…..
- Initial fee costs for compliance audits are varying widely due to misunderstanding the ESOS legislation e.g. not getting the audit sample right.
- It applies to tenants, landlords & owners (not just the bill payer.) This is likely to cause confusion leading to double accounting.
- ESOS covers all your transport, building and process energy consumption.
- Fines of up to £50,00 for non-compliance have been confirmed.
- You don’t have to implement any of the audit findings!
- More detailed guidance will be released later on in the year
- ESOS is similar to the CRC (Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme) in many many ways.
One of the easiest ways to cut at least 10% from your energy bills is to use Voltage Management technology. Our bespoke equipment is easily scaled from large industrial operations to residential estates. If you are installing smart meters or larger management systems, you can avoid extra costs by introducing this highly effective equipment at the same time – which improves our short payback periods even further.
Call us on 01695 559 785 for a no-obligation consultation.