What is Power Factor?

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Power factor is sometimes described as efficiency and affects all types of inductive loads like motors, drives, machines and some types of lighting.

On a motor rating plate you may find the degree of efficiency which in effect is the declared power factor of the motor

A good power factor is a figure described as close as possible to 1.00 which is the target for power factor correction although on some motors with fixed correction the target power factor would normally by 0.95 to ensure overcompensating does not occur due to the less dynamic nature of the arrangement.

reactive power

More dynamic compensation or correctionreactive power would normally be installed on the main supply in a more general manor, this is normally described as centralised correction and is fully automatic to respond to the fluctuating loads normally experienced on a main supply.

Poor power factors can be described as anything below 0.95 although in general it depends on the size of demand in relation to the poor power factor which determines the degree of financial penalty on electricity bills, penalties through a poor power factor are normally identified as a Reactive Charge or Reactive Power Charge coupled with higher demand charges like Capacity or Availability, it also increases kW/h charges in the form of increased losses.

Through power factor correction you will reduce demand, remove or reduce reactive charges, reduce capacity and availability charges, reduce kW/h losses, reduce carbon emissions and improve utility by reducing circuit currents to a degree that on an overloaded supply, it may be possible to introduce additional loads and still have head room to avoid a costly upgrade of supply.

For more information on power factor correction and efficiency, and the benefits for your organisation, please contact us.

Off to the Seychelles?

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The reputation in export markets for EnergyAce has never been greater. We are continually commissioned into more and more leisure venues building on our track record in the United Kingdom. Africa has been a regular source of business.

Recently, we have manufactured and installed 3 x Detuned Power Factor Correction (PFCs) Units in a manufacturing plant in the Seychelles.

The commissioning by our Client was to perform a full Power Quality Survey of the Site as well as manufacture the PFCs.

Not surprising there was no shortage of ‘hands-up’ for the opportunity to travel to this destination from our Staff. The Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, off East Africa.

Use your energy

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For years, we have attended National Conferences on best practice or health and safety measures related to sports and leisure centres. Operations has been the main thrust of guidance, along with normal operating procedures or quality assurance practices. Of course, this Sector is astute at monitoring costs for the utilities in its facilities and some bodies and National Governing Bodies (NGBs) have facilitated affinity partners or brokerage deals to try and secure lowest prices.

There has never been greater uncertainty with price hikes, Brexit and other challenges and so EnergyAce feels that it could be prudent to examine some additional opportunities. Our family-run business, the recent Electrical Contractor of the Year has been advising hospitality, leisure and sports, and adding significant value to both energy efficiency and cost reduction in facilities. Do you know your Harmonics, from your VMS, your VO from PFC? If not, let’s us enlighten on the possibilities.

A few examples are illustrated below:

Starting with a case study in sports-gambling and retail premises. Betfred is a UK based bookmaker, named after its co-founders Fred and Peter Done, with betting shops throughout the United Kingdom. The betting shops operate long opening hours and operate many pieces of sensitive electronic equipment in the form of IT, TV screens and Game Machines. The EnergyAce energy saving system generated a 6.5% whole site electricity saving creating a swift direct payback of 1 year. (VMS – Voltage Management System).

DW Fitness operates fitness centres and hotel facilities throughout the UK with a keen eye on energy spend and a desire to improve efficiency without detracting away from a good quality experience. EnergyAce identified a requirement for an application of both VMS and Power Factor Correction (PFC) technologies combined to return an energy saving of around 14% and remove reactive power penalties for the electricity bills. (VMS).

Sports and leisure trusts are feeling the pinch more than most. At Formby Pool Trust, a project was designed to embrace modern architecture and ecological measures, assisted through the introduction of the EnergyAce system to create a whole site energy saving, remove penalties from the electricity bills and reduce carbon emissions. Reducing carbon footprint is high on ‘To Do’ lists as well as the financial benefits by many in sports and leisure. Payback was achieved within 1 year, although with a reduction in maintenance costs and the protection of all electrical appliances, plant and machinery will improve the real payback considerably.

These are not ‘quick fixes’ and as often with technological innovation, pretenders enter the market promising the earth. EnergyAce has the reputation of technical know-how and through a no hard sell approach are pleased to offer guidance, after a thorough appraisal of energy solutions, that are pertinent to any given facility. It is a science, and certainly not a case of ‘one size fits all’. Operators need to adopt solutions that are most suited to their particular circumstances. Especially appealing are multi-site operators and the Company can offer pilots to allow proof of return on investment before roll out to facilities-wide.

More information: markblore@pesgroupltd.co.uk or adrian@pesgroupltd.co.uk

Given a Boost

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Energy Ace power into new markets with specialist support

Our Skelmersdale-based manufacturer of energy saving systems for industrial, domestic and commercial users has launched into new markets with specialist support from Boost and the Lancashire Manufacturing Growth Fund.

Power Efficient Systems are manufacturers of EnergyAce, an innovative energy saving system which combines Power Factor Correction (PFC) and Voltage correction equipment. The business has experienced sustainable growth since it was established in 2002.

Eileen Vizard director of Power Energy Systems, said: “We have been performing well due to our innovative new products for the domestic and industrial sectors. However I knew that if we were to target clients that would take increased volume and variety across our product and service portfolio we could be more effective. However this would require market intelligence that was not available to us.”

The cost to bring in the external expertise required to research and implement a Business Development strategy was prohibitive, so Eileen called on support from the Lancashire Manufacturing Growth Fund, a grant funding programme aimed at increasing the productivity of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in the county.

Read the full article here: https://www.boostbusinesslancashire.co.uk/case-studies

Next Generation

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EnergyAce has always been at the front of initiatives targeting young people into employment. Our Apprentices scheme has been well received and now we have committed to a Patronage at the Wigan Youth Zone.

We believe that by supporting Wigan Youth Zone, we are investing not only in the Town’s young people, but in our business as well. Its supporters will benefit from the increased aspirations of an entire generation, but also many local networking opportunities.

We are proud to be playing a small, although vital role in helping shape the future on a new generation in the most positive way.

Helping Raise Money for Good Causes

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EnergyAce took part in a clay pigeon shooting event for Wigan Youth Zone recently and invited 3 of our customers on this prestigious event held at Wrenhalls Farm. The team was made up of complete novices to some with a little shooting experience. This was shown in the results of the day with Martin winning the amateur section hitting a total of 24 out of 50 shots. Well done Martin receiving your prize on the Day for one of the Youth Zone’s founder Patrons , Martin Ainscough.

New Face in Sales

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We are delighted to welcome a new appointee in Mark Blore who will lead all sales and marketing activities at EnergyAce. Mark joins from Elbagate LTD where he successfully developed a new switchgear support division within the Company and we were delighted when Mark agreed to join us to help tale the EnergyAce business forward to new heights.

Mark’s approach to supporting a large customer base while generating new business has been a breath of fresh air to an already busy department and we have actively implemented a number of positive changes to improve the customer experience.

The EnergyAce business has grown and developed considerably over the last few years and Mark has taken hold of this challenging and important role to support the growth in a sustainable and ethical manor.

Range of Services

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Are you sure that you know everything that we do at EnergyAce?

Power Efficient Systems Ltd is an award winning company incorporated in 2002 and one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of Energy Saving systems and Switchgear for industrial, commercial and residential clients across the globe under their unique brand of EnergyAce.

EnergyAce is unique and encompasses a number of proven technologies, products and services as detailed below:

  • Switchgear & Distribution Boards
  • Power Factor Correction (Capacitor Banks)
  • Voltage Management Systems (Voltage Stabilisers & Optimisers)
  • Harmonic Filtration Systems (AHF)
  • Surge Suppression & Lighting Protection
  • Variable Speed Drives & Inverters
  • Process Control Improvements
  • Switchgear & Specialist Maintenance Services
  • Power / Load Surveys
  • Harmonic Surveys
  • Thermographic Studies
  • PCB Disposal (Polychlorinated Biphenyl)

Our approach to energy reduction at a plant’s source or on individual circuits using a small number of proven technologies combined with our own patented EnergyAce technology is quite unique and proving to be a solid and cost effective route to reduce energy costs, reduced carbon emissions, ensure compliance and maintain a fast ROI.

The EnergyAce Management team, its employees, stakeholders and advisors are committed to ethical and sustainable growth achievable through high levels of client retention, good solid relationships with clients old and new and the delivery of innovation around both new and proven technologies to create additional value for the customer.

Our association with a number of high profile organisations in the ECA (Electrical Contractors Association), BEAMA (British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers Association), ISO 9001 – Internationally Recognised UKAS Accredited Certification, UK Trade & Investment Partner (Passport to Export), Safecontractor, Goldman Sachs and various Charitable organisations ensures our credibility and ability to deliver large turnkey projects and small sub contracts on time and within budget.

EnergyAce welcomes customers throughout the globe and is available to share case studies and client testimonials from many market sectors in industrial, commercial and residential.

Contact us now on +44 (0) 1695 559785, post@pesgroupltd.co.uk or www.energyace.co.uk to see how you or your organisation will benefit from EnergyAce.

Exporting is Great

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Gary Vizard, the CEO of Power Efficient Systems & EnergyAce, was recently invited by Santander & Core Business Solutions to share his journey with a number of businesses across the North West at two excellent events designed to promote UK exports.

Power Efficient Systems is fast becoming a true global company and exports EnergyAce, its unique brand of energy saver, to all corners of the globe following the continued implementation of a worldwide distributorship.

The Event comprised of a three-hour, interactive workshop where the benefits and practical implementation of an internationalisation strategy was discussed and worked through. The Event outlined how to put an internationalisation strategy into practice.

There was opportunity to quiz Core’s international experts on their experience and explore the challenges faced in relation to an overseas strategy.

It was a real success and Gary has since been asked to share his journey and that of EnergyAce at a number of Chamber events in association with UKTI.

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