Energy Saving Grants Lancashire Chamber Low Carbon

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Grant Funding for Energy Efficiency Projects (Lancashire)

30% Grant funding is available for eligible companies to implement EnergyAce energy reduction projects and to support resource efficiency projects that reduce electricity, raw materials and gas etc.

A 30% capital grant up to a maximum of £25K is available for eligible companies that must be classed as a small to medium enterprise (SME) and located in Lancashire.

Qualification is as follows:

  • Located in Lancashire
  • Less than 250 full time equivalent employees (36 hrs/wk)
  • Less than €50m turnover or €43m balance sheet
  • Charities can be supported if they are a social enterprise and not reliant on funding 


  • Deferred payment, therefore projects cannot be retrospectively funded where commitments have already been made
  • Funding is issued under De Minimis (companies should not have exceeded €200,000 of support)
  • Advisors provide fully funded assessments to identify savings and support applications

For more information on grant funding and 0% finance options throughout the UK, contact our offices on 01695 559785 or email

For more information on Lancashire Chamber grant funding, please click onto this link or contact our offices.